Should you consider using an inkjet based computer to plate system to make plates for your newspaper? That depends, if you are a smaller newspaper that can live with 9-10 plates per hour and run lengths of 50,000 impressions on press it may be the perfect solution. If you are a larger paper that needs much more than 10 plates per hour it just wouldn’t be fast enough to keep up with production. But for the smaller newspaper, inkjet CTP is a very affordable, metal computer-to-plate system. [Read more…]
August 12, 2010 by Leave a Comment
Computer to Plate ( CTP ) – What It Is And Why You Should Seriously Consider It
The steady advancement of technology affects every industry, but none more so than the printing industry. Since the Printing Press was invented there has been a constant effort to improve productivity and efficiency. Because of this demand, the printing industry has always been on the leading edge of the technology curve. [Read more…]