How We Work

DEI Systems works with printers of all types, both small and large, no matter where they are in the world …

… and our focus is on making it easy for you.


Many ways, but take a look at just two of them:

First, DEI Systems deals directly with film converters and manufacturers of supplies and equipment. As we said before, DEI Systems can offer you low prices because we cut out the middle man and pass the savings on to you.

What you may not know is that since film converters are located throughout the country, we can fulfill your film orders from the closest warehouse. That makes it possible to deliver your film orders quickly.

In addition to quick turnaround times, shipping from local converters not only saves you money on the cost of the film to begin with, it saves you money on the shipping as well.

Second, we have invested in team viewer software, which allows us to connect remotely to your equipment through the Internet. More than 50% of the issues with pre press equipment occur because of calibration errors, and software issues.

Our software gives us the ability to connect in, highlight the issues and correct them from our location. Think of it – on issues that can be handled remotely, you can get back up and running quickly and with very little service costs because no one has to come to your location anymore to make the fix.